Thursday, July 10, 2008

Project related blogs is an Analise by a librarian on space, design architecture and technology. Although not an Architect or Designer his concepts and ideas pose great insight to space and architecture. is a blog on an installation questioning the relationship between the human body and space, creating a kind of skin, something I tried to achieve in my analysis of space. is a blog entry which directly questions the project I just completed in architecture leading to a valid point on lets stop trying to justify form and space and get on with it.

Architecture - Skin as a shelter

The beach presents many form of shelters, looking in depth at the emotional side of this the footprint emerges. In this anaylisis of skin as a shelter I look into the concept of the footprint, a imprint in the sand as a type of protector. The footprints in the sand represent more than just a marking in the sand, they are a shelter preserving the essence of inhabition. These markings are forever changing, adapting and being completely removed, yet there is a sence of the copious movements and event. A partial indication of what once was leaving the individual to depict in their own interpertation the events of the past. The footprint leaves a sence of shelter from the unknown, inhabitence, and a indication into the future....